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Shop Titmus Vision Screeners

May 25th 2021

The Titmus vision screener will check for Vision Acuity, Color, Stereo Depth Perception. Vertical Phoria, Lateral Phoria, Muscle Balance for visual fatigue, double vision, Peripheral, stereopsis (binocular vision)

Two vision testing models available the Titmus V2 and the Titmus V4 vision screener.

                                                               Titmus V2 vision screener 

           Titmus V2 vision tester                                                           Titmus V2 vision screener panel

                                                               Titmus V4 vision screener


Vision screening with the Titmus V2 or Titmus V4 vision testers to evaluate vision functions and prevent

possible vision problems.

The vision screener can be adjusted to fit children and adults of varying heights in a standing or seated 

position. This is essential for accurate testing.

Accessories included with your instrument are based on slide set chosen by you and will include the Slide

Information Brochure that has all the information about how to perform each test, recording the test results 

and interpretation of the test results.

Shop and Save for Visions Screeners at Henan Medical. 

Contact customer service T: 1-800-982-8890 . 1-305-599-0204 or email:

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