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Amplivox 240 w/ integrated battery function

Amplivox Audiometers

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Amplivox 240B - 8121457

Model 240 w/ integrated battery function 

Portable diagnostic AC air conduction and BC bone conduction audiometer w/ masking & auto AC test.

The Model 240 allows for clinical standards testing in any location as it benefits from a 125 to 8000Hz frequency range, an attenuation range of -10 to 120dBHL, manual pulse tone options and integrated talk over function. 

  • Air and bone conduction testing
  • Manual and automatic air conduction testing
  • Tone selection: pure, pulsed, warble
  • Narrowband masking
  • Optional battery power function
  • Integrated talk over function
  • Third-party EMR connectivity
  • Intuitive and ergonomic design
  • Compact, lightweight and portable


CPT codes
92552: Pure tone audiometry (threshold); air only
92553: Pure tone audiometry (threshold); air and bone
92582: Conditioning play audiometry

Three year warranty as standard.